lunedì 19 marzo 2012

The red and green match!

 Ohay dudes, I might go crazy with this picture! I think I do look terribly sexy. Do I?
I am myself very impressed. This is a female skin, but looks perfect on me. Am I or am I not the best androginous guy of the world?
I remember when I started SL, I was only wearing female clothes, very colorful ones, skirts and high heels! Oh, and I had a female base shape as well... but with boy body proportions!
It was a lot of fun and I did look cute!
 Now I grew up (in RL, especially) and I kind of gave up the girly cute thing side of me to let the bad boy part come out... ok, not all the time but... yeah I just feel a bit older.
Even if I'm not gonna change my age in SL, I do am two years older now :(

: shoes : G*Field (saint Patrick gift)
: outfit : VERO MODERO (new release!!)
: nails : Beccikie
: tatoo and hairbase : White Widow
: hair : MadDesign
: skin : Egoisme Evian (group gift - FEMALE skin!!)
: prim lashes : Cheerno
Boys out there, Mellew is coming!

venerdì 9 marzo 2012

Last TDR! I'm a pinkie!

Oh yeah, I saved myself from loosing the last releases of the dressing room! :D

skin: Tableau Vivant - TDR
boots: Cheerno - TDR
skirtie: FunkYou!
gloves: Cheerno
pants: Beatnik
tatoo: White Widow
hair: Zanda
shirt: Sweeter than Candy

giovedì 1 marzo 2012

Ohay Sexie Vampire

Skin: Tableau Vivant
Hair: Cheerno
Pants: Trap
Tatoo: White Widow
Mouth accessories: SG
Necklace: Rosso