sabato 26 febbraio 2011

Post Valentine's Gifties

Hey people, welcome back!
I had to fix a couple thingies, and I'm back posting.
Had a couple outfits made and ready to be posted but... I got some newness so I decided to post those instead of the old outfits.
Here we are:

Shape: selfmade
Skin: Cheerno
Hair: Cheerno
Scarf: Zenith
Gloves: Trap
Pants/Leggins: Trap
Shoes: RockCandy

That was too cool not to post immediately... Gloves are last years'gift from Trap, Selos sent it again since he made amazing leggins to match them as gift for this year's Valentine.
TY Selos.

By the way, while I was taking pictures I got a couple of other gifties and cool stuff. I'll be posting it soon as I am satisfied with an outfit for them.
Anyway, if any of you has advices about cool stuff, or is a designer and want me to blog your items... just drop me a notecard or an IM. Or even comment my blog.
I'll get back to you and post your coolies.
